What is ISIS? Weblio dictionary
() Alphabet representation of the goddess Isis Egyptian mythology. In English ISIS is pronounced like [Isis]. Notation of [ISIS] is close to the Greek or Latin sounds. Isis is the wife of Osiris, it is said to have revived the slain Osiris.
() Middle East Iraq, abbreviation of Islamic extremist organizations working in Syria in the region around [Iraq and Sharm Islamic countries]. After Although the organization name was renamed as [Islamic State] (IS), (only calls itself) is not a country for some cases dare designations [ISIS] legacy is used.
Also known as: Iraq and Sharm of Islamic countries, Iraq Shah-time Islamic countries, Iraq Shah-time Islamic countries, Iraq Syria Islamic countries, Iraq and Syria of Islamic countries, Iraq and the Levant of the Islamic countries, Iraq Levant Islamic countries, Dawlat al-'Islāmiyya fi al- 'Iraq wa-l-Sham
English: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, ISIL
In the region around Iraq and Syria, abbreviation of extremist armed organizations working for the purpose of establishment of the Islamic nation.